Permanent Cosmetics

In today’s fast-paced world, it seems like people will do anything to save time. Drive-throughs are now available at your local pharmacy, and there’s no need to write checks when there’s automatic bill pay — people like things fast and easy. It’s no wonder then that many people choose to speed up their morning regimen by getting permanent makeup. The idea of permanent makeup may sound strange, but it’s just one of many ways people choose to make routine tasks quicker.

With so many people having so much to do during the day, we are always looking for ways to cut down on our time. For women, one very time-consuming activity is applying makeup each morning, or even several times per day. One way to help can be by utilizing permanent cosmetics.

Permanent makeup can be a wonderful choice for women who play sports, have many things to do each day, are allergic to many cosmetic products, or just want to spend less time and money on the entire process. Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, is becoming quite popular, but there are things you should know before having the procedure done.

Permanent makeup is essentially a tattoo that makes you appear as if you’re always wearing makeup. Permanent makeup is also termed as micropigmentation or permanent cosmetics. The art of permanent makeup has become a specialized service inside both the tattoo community and the cosmetic industry, and the field is growing as more technicians become available to treat a growing number of clients.

There are also cosmetic reasons why people use permanent makeup. After reconstructive surgical procedure, especially of the face or breasts, permanent makeup can help return the skin’s appearance to normal if pigment was lost during surgery. In fact, some people choose to undergo permanent makeup procedures to improve the results of cosmetics breast surgery. People with hair loss conditions that cause them to lose their eyebrows may invest in permanent eyebrow tattoos, whereas people with lip scars can use permanent lipstick to hide the unsightly marks. Permanent makeup can also benefit people with cosmetic allergies or those with pigmentation conditions like vitiligo, which causes the appearance of irregular white patches on the skin.

When having permanent makeup applied, includes applying dies under the skin that give the illusion that a woman is wearing eyeliner, eyebrow pencils, lip liners, and even lipstick. If done correctly by a highly trained professional, a woman can achieve a very natural look.

A woman deciding whether or not permanent makeup will be right for her should look into all the options. She should do a lot of research and understand that there are many advantages, as well as disadvantages, to having such a permanent procedure done on her face.

Pros And Cons

One advantage is definitely the time issue. Not having to apply makeup each day is a real time saver. But, you won’t have the option of varying your makeup shades since only one shade is able to be tattooed onto your skin.

But the disadvantage of permanent makeup is that, as with any type of surgical procedure, there are risks. You should always consult with your doctor, as well as verifying the credentials of the person who will apply the permanent makeup, before you have the procedure done.

If you’ve decided to go ahead and have permanent makeup applied, there are different types to choose from. You can have eyebrow liner applied to help with sparse eyebrows, you can have eyeliner applied to help your eyelashes look thicker, and you can even have lip liner or lipstick applied so you never have to worry about pale lips again.

Another option is dying your lashes. This is great for women who suffer from near-sightedness, are athletes, or even women who are always on the go. It is also a great alternative to mascara for those women who have makeup allergies or a shaky hand.

Remember, when choosing to have permanent makeup applied to your face, there are several things that you should be aware of. The inks and dyes that are used to when permanent makeup is applied are known as color additives.

One of the most frequently asked questions about permanent makeup concerns the matter of pain. The permanent makeup industry has grown dramatically over the last ten years so clearly many people have been willing to do whatever it takes to make their life easier and more stress free.

Dr Numb For Painless Procedure

Luckily there are now many products the permanent makeup technician can use that will reduce the pain of any and all procedures. One way is the use of Deep Numb - Topical Anesthetics.

This anesthetic cream (Deep Numb) is a product very much similar to Dr. Numb, which contains lidocaine, a substance that has been used for many years as anesthetics in medical and dental offices. The purity is very important, because not all lidocaine is manufactured and refined as Dr. Numb and Deep Numb has been. Pain is caused by the stimulation of pain receptors at the ends of the nerves. The stimulation causes sodium to enter the nerve ending, which causes an electrical signal to build up in the nerve. When this electrical signal is big enough, it passes along the nerve to the brain, where the signal is interpreted as pain. These creams work by temporarily blocking this pathway of pain signals along nerves. They do this by stopping the sodium entering the nerve ending at the site of the pain. This prevents an electrical signal building up and passing along the nerve fibers to the brain.

Misuse of topical anesthetics can sometimes result in harm. One good example of this is situations where these products are used excessively to relieve eye pain. This overuse can cause permanent damage to the eye. Adverse effects may also be experienced when certain products are used on damaged skin.